Twój koszyk jest obecnie pusty!

Anemia a dieta
Dlaczego łysiejemy?
Najczęstszą postacią łysienia dziedzicznego jest łysienie androgenowe, spowodowane wrodzoną nadwrażliwością mieszków włosowych na działanie dihydrotestosteronu (DHT). Problem ten może dotyczyć nawet 50% mężczyzn i kobiet po 50 roku życia. Za nadmierne wypadanie włosów odpowiada duża liczba genów więc jednoznacznie nie można stwierdzić, czy odziedziczymy po przodkach tendencje do łysienia. Nie tylko genetyka, ale także styl życia, dieta, codzienna pielęgnacja, stres to czynniki, które mogą przyczyniać się do przyspieszenia schorzenia. U osób z tendencją do łysienia androgenowego dodatkowy stres może przyspieszyć łysienie. Niepokojącym sygnałem odziedziczenia skłonności do łysienia jest łojotok z towarzyszącym łupieżem, odsłaniające się wysokie czoło i zakola.
Professionals’ data
Clients’ data is directly collected, for the most part, by the Professional. He is the controller and the main responsible for the processing of the clients’ personal data. Having said that, besides a minimum set of legally required measures, Healthium is not responsible for providing the information and guarantees imposed by the GDPR on the Professionals in regard to their relationship with the Client.
- Payment data: the payment data of your monthly payment are also processed by 4нр, although for this purpose a processor is used. Only then can we debit the amounts associated with the monthly payment you have chosen. The data required for this purpose is: a credit or debit card number, an expiration date and a security code.
- Billing data: in order to comply with our tax obligations, we must ask you for some billing information such as: name, tax number, address, city, postal code and country.
Professionals’ data
Clients’ data is directly collected, for the most part, by the Professional. He is the controller and the main responsible for the processing of the clients’ personal data. Having said that, besides a minimum set of legally required measures, Healthium is not responsible for providing the information and guarantees imposed by the GDPR on the Professionals in regard to their relationship with the Client.
- Professional liability. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, the Professional undertakes to only adopt behaviors that do not infringe the existing legal order or damage, in any way, legally protected positions and, in particular, to strictly oblige to the Code of Ethics in force on their jurisdiction.
- Without prejudice to the objection of the Professional, by accepting these Terms, the Professional accepts and agrees to the automatic renewal of their subscription, authorizing for that intent that the appropriate amounts be charged through the payment information previously made available.
A Professional tool for creating nutrition plans, tracking progress, and communicating with clients.
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